Terms and Conditions


 “Nila Indian Cuisines “ ® Order Payment Processing Policy

 “Nila Indian Cuisines “ fully committed to refund your full money if you are not fully satisfied with our service

Once the order has been successfully placed, we successfully process the payment and store will be notified to prepare your order immediately

So if you want to cancel the order then please call  “Nila Indian Cuisines “ at (914) 862-2229 with your order number & Phone Number associated with the order then store will reverse the entire transactions

Following Online Order Payment Processing workflow will be used on our site so that you agree to accept our terms and conditions to place order on our website

1) Once the online order is placed through credit card sale then we charge to the credit card entered during online order processing to order food.

2) Users can call  “Nila Indian Cuisines “ Park at (914) 862-2229  to cancel the order to reverse the transactions before order confirmation by the store and users will also get notified by email about the status of the order once the order is placed to the restaurant. If the order is cancelled for some reason, then We revert the same charged amount back to the same card

3) Once the order is confirmed and if they have any extra items added then store have rights to charge upcharges or refund based on sales settlement for the given day for that order

4) Store has ability to cancel the order instead of confirming the order for some reasons (customer request) or (other issues) then we reverse the transactions

5) We have registered customers where we store the muti-token key which is link to the last credit card used by the customer and recharge to the same card if customer wish to charge to same card

If any question or issues, Please call  “Nila Indian Cuisines “ at (914) 862-2229 or email:orders@nilaofindiapeekskillny.com

 “Nila Indian Cuisines “

1853 East Main St, PeekSkill,NY 10566

Phone : (914) 862-2229

Open :
All Days: 11:00 AM - 10:00 PM
